LET’S CHAT ABOUT ADVICE ⭐️ | AuthorTube Tea & Drama ☕️

In the which Anthy has a ridiculous amount of fun while filming a video about writing advice and AuthorTube drama. It’s super rambling, but hey: Anthy had a blast. 😂🤣🤪

🔔 REMEMBER 🔔 If you enjoy my videos, then please: LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, RING THE BELL, & SHARE WITH YOUR FRIENDS~! It helps a TON! :3

✍️ DISCUSSION ✍️ Have you ever been overwhelmed by too much advice? How do you feel about selling stuff on AuthorTube? Feel free to share your thoughts!

Two years and a half ago, I wrote a blog post about this.

I had been paralyzed for MONTHS about making the perfect website presence and wondering what to do for my ‘author platform.’ There is so much advice out there, yet nothing seemed doable. Finally, I hit my limit and said: SCREW IT ALL. Obviously, years later, I still follow this mantra. xD

About the AuthorTube drama, I truly believe we are each responsible for ourselves. Yes, some people aren’t qualified to sell things, but we are also responsible to make good choices with our resources. I am not expert in anything. I don’t claim to be. But I am learning all the time in every creative endeavor that I work on. In the end, this video is more about having fun and laughing, than it is about spilling tea. Hahaha

Let’s be kind. Let’s be inspiring. Let’s be wise.

CHAPTER REWRITE? | ANGST TO COMIC RELIEF | a writing vlog on AuthorTube

In the which Anthy rewrites a chapter in a completely different direction, from angst to comic relief. Interestedly enough, this change doesn’t affect the rest of the plot. At all.

REMEMBER: If you enjoy my videos, then please: LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, RING THE BELL, & SHARE WITH YOUR FRIENDS~! It helps a TON! :3

DISCUSSION: Have you ever rewritten a chapter without affecting the main plot of your story?