The title says all: I have no idea how to break through writer’s block.
End post.
Okay, not really. It’s not the end of the post, but I still have no idea how to break through my own block. In fact, I am forcing myself to post this. That same stupid, blasted crippling fear – weird as it is – is still there, begging me to go MIA again, and I’m about ready to punt it all the way to Timbuktu. (Fun fact: I had no idea how to spell that. Google was kind enough to understand Tim Buck Two)
Writer’s Block. Creative Frustration.
It sucks.
There’s honestly no other way to describe that. It does. I hate it. And because I have never really struggled with it so much, I’m not properly equipped to combat it. Lately, my block was I didn’t feel like writing. I didn’t want to write. Now I want it, but there’s a ten foot blockade in my mind.
Let me tell ya about my futile attempts yesterday to scale that darn wall.
- Screamed in frustration – didn’t work, but it made me mad happy
- Paced
- Caffeine – in pill format
- Got pissed off
- Screamed some more – both puppers got really excited
- Played tug a war with said puppers
- Took some vitamins
- Opened the blinds
- Played rock music at maximum volume
- Bought a new music CD
- Ate food
- Took multiple breaks
- Exercised
- Had 8 drops of 3 different Bach Flowers
Nothing. Worked. I was going OUT OF MY MIND yesterday. I kept slamming my head against that wall in my head, determined to break through. I ended up writing 300 words. 300 stupid, teeth pulling words. And 200 of those words happened at 8pm, after spending the entire day (12 blasted hours) trying to write.
By the end of the day, I was emotionally drained from my efforts. I just wanted to write. I wanted it so much, but nothing would come. Why did it have to be so difficult? For crying out loud, it was just writing!
I don’t know why. Today. Tomorrow, I might know.
Today, I’ve had some green tea. –thumbs up-
In the past, I didn’t experience this because I would write all over the place. One chapter not working? Screw that, bounce to another chapter. Maybe that’s my problem now. I don’t have much space to bounce around in with Beyond 2. In reality, it’s almost done. 10,000 words left, is all. On good days, I could have that done in 3 to 2 days – I’m not kidding. So, I look back in the past and wish I could be that again. Where are those days of being able to write 4,000 to 6,000 words?
They gone. I hope with all my heart that they’re not gone forever. But yesterday wasn’t a 4k word day.
Do you, dear reader, experience this, too? Do you have creative blocks that you want to tear down? I know they happen in all aspects of art and work. I know sometimes you sit in front of your creative medium and wonder why nothing is coming. Perhaps you’re like me and are wondering what happened to your strong creativity in the past.
Take a deep breath.
I’m sure I could whip out a list and read a bunch of crap that may or may not work for you. I read all the lists yesterday. All of em. In the end, only YOU know what is blocking your creativity. My only advice to help it along is to breathe, be calm, and keep trying. Getting pissed off didn’t do much for me yesterday. It just made me tired. I wouldn’t really advise it.
Today is a new day.
Tomorrow is a new day.
It will pass.