In the which Anthy goes through a rollercoaster of virus stuff, social distancing, Animal Crossing hype, birthday sushi, and a friggin’ earthquake. I need a two year nap now.
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✍️ DISCUSSION ✍️ Are you keeping safe with all this virus stuff? Are you an Animal Crossing fan?
In the which Anthy agonizes over all the sins she committed as a newbie writer. All of the horrible newbie writing mistakes… I’m still in pain just thinking about it.
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✍️ DISCUSSION ✍️ Do you have any newbie writing sins you would like to share with the class? Hehe
In the which Anthy has a pretty productive day for once and discusses a title change for her webnovel series – plus more talk about her Camp NaNoWriMo project.
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✍️ DISCUSSION ✍️ Do you struggle with giving your stories a title? For me, I feel like it comes immediately or I’m fighting for one forever. What about you?
In the which Anthy talks for a long time about way too many potential project choices for Camp NaNoWriMo. I may or may not need help.
I discuss seven of my current story projects and I’ve realized they’re all fantasy. Haha.
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✍️ DISCUSSION ✍️ Which story intrigues you the most? And are you struggling like me when it comes to picking a project for NaNoWriMo or just in general?
In the which Anthy finishes Volume One of The Marked Heroes! I’m so super thrilled to have made it this far. If you’re interested in reading it, you can do so for FREE here.
In Sept, I had the dream of making it this far. It’s kind of crazy that I’m already here. Good times.
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✍️ DISCUSSION ✍️ Are you an editing fiend like me? xD I swear I’m on my 5th draft. How many drafts is your current WIP?
In the which Anthy chats about the difference between a community and a competition. Events that inspired this were a perfect storm. I had my own recent experience with a writing critique group. (I may or may not make a video about it) Then, stuff blew up on AuthorTube, among things in the writing community.
Be someone’s light. Don’t be their darkness.
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✍️ DISCUSSION ✍️ What are your thoughts? Do you agree with me? Is writing a competition or not? Let me know~!
In the which Anthy addresses some of the current AuthorTube drama with some spoken word poetry. Actually, this was a long time coming video. We all come across naysayers and the like, who are determined to tear us down one way or another.
Sometimes they’re strangers. Sometimes they’re friends. Sometimes they’re your own darn family.
And sometimes it’s your own inner voice.
Wherever they come, those naysayers need to hush up!
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✍️ DISCUSSION ✍️ Any juicy stories to tell? Come, rant about the naysayers you’ve come across in your life!
Wherever you are on your writing journey, YOU GOT THIS!