So, I’m the author of the website. Yo. Guess what? It’s awkward and weird to write an about page, but here I go.
I’m from New Jersey. No, I don’t have some weird Jersey accent. I’ve no idea where ya’ll getting that. I’m bold and blunt, but nice about it. I’m a writer. I like to write all sorts of things, but usually I tend to write fantasy, supernatural, romance, fanfiction, and a blog. That would be here, dear reader – just in case you didn’t know what this place was.
I love anime. I love manga. I could list a bunch of stuff, but that’ll take awhile and I rather not. But I do have a top list of favorites that I’ll have to make a post about, because that sounds like a fun topic to write about. -grins-
I love art. I am an artist, but I don’t draw enough. I’m hoping to make funny doodle pictures of semi low quality to give this blog some more personality. I also can paint in photoshop, but my paintings take forever, so I tend to not really finish them anymore.
I love video games, but I don’t own much outside of the Nintendo brands. Mainly because I tend to only get one console. It took me years to get a 3DS. I never owned a Wii or a Wii U. But I stood/sat in line in the freezing cold for my Nintendo Switch, which is still a glorifed Breath of the Wild console for me at this time. Come on, Nintendo. I want to throw money at you. Give me some old Wii and Wii U games. PLZ
I have a pupper named Zelda, after the Legend of Zelda – mainly Breath of the Wild, because I got her two months before its release and the hype was real. She’s a Yorkshire Terrier mixed with a Maltese – at least, that’s what the breeder said she was. I dunno if that’s true. Her father is a ‘golden’ Yorkie. Whatever the heck that is. I have no idea. She’s cute. She has the best dog face ever.
Just look at this face!!!
I guess I need to talk about some serious stuff now. Hnnn. Well, I’ve struggled with health issues most of my life. It’s usually one thing after something else, so I’m pretty passionate about health stuff. At least I try to be… I’m currently trying to eat healthy and clean with no meat and no dairy. I feel like I get the best results on a whole foods plant based lifestyle. It’s a long process, though. I want instant results, but I know that building health takes time. -sighs-
Also, I deal with emotional and mental things. I feel like that sounds weird. “Everyone has emotional problems, Anthy!” Yeah, yeah, I know. But I mean it just a little more deeper than that. It’s more crippling. I’ll be writing a post more in depth about it. It’s come about more so after the death of my best friend, Mom. Part of this blog is to help me shake off the need to be something more than I can be at this time. That’s why I changed the focus of my website from a ‘tutorial help’ website to a ‘talk about dumb and not dumb crap’ website, with a plug about my writing.
-smiles sweetly-
So, that’s me. You can probably learn more about me if you check out my blog posts. I write about silly stuff and serious stuff. You can also check out my fanfiction, whether here on my website or at my other resting grounds. Have fun, dear reader!